Metro Valley has evolved a modern strategy, 'SARVAGUNA SAMPANNA', inspired by the wisdoms of Indian Society. Our methodology for creating built space environments is a holistic approach that looks at needs, synergies as well as conflicts among industry, people, energy, natural resources, society and culture as an interdependent weave, the reconciling of which can lead to a fulfilling work-life-celebrate experience.
Any development plan or public policy can be considered relevant only if it passes the test of creating inclusiveness and empowerment for all, in any context. To be successful, an Industrial Model Township must encourage participative evolution by creating a |
right to democratic access, usage and benefit. To be meaningful, it should create a sense of empowerment by creating a facilitating environment, which ensures equity, dignity and fulfillment of entrepreneurial and individual aspirations. Only then it results in a sense of ownership and helps nurture the roots of our democracy, its people and its institutions.
Special emphasis in today's time has to be placed on learnings from the old self sustaining Indian village system qualified by 4Rs, namely: Recycle, Restore, Regenerate and Reuse. Little wonder that dust bin was a western concept, as everything in a village used to get recycled or reused.
Any proposed development must look beyond the financial numbers and its impact on GDP alone. It must pass the test of social inclusivity, ecological responsibility, and cultural simulating capability. Metro Valley's philosophy and ensuing strategy have integrated these as basic pillars of its planning process for creating an inclusive and equitable delivery mechanism. |