IMT Manesar has lot opportunities for its revival as the Model Township despite the current problems, if the existing undeveloped land use to exploit the following opportunities.
Existing open spaces between Industrial plots can be developed as Worker Amenity Hubs in order to lower the cost of living for workers.
Existing 60m and 30m internal roads can be redesigned to offer solutions for the last mile connectivity to enhance worker living.
188.42 acres of expansion in phase V & VI to be developed for worker housing and worker welfare amenities allowing workers to walk or cycle to work due to its proximity.
665 acres of Phase-V located on the north- east side is ideally suited to develop the general as well as worker housing along with required social, cultural and open spaces, in order to create a hollistic development solution.
The 1500 acres of hillocks on south has the potential to enhance the quality of life for the workforce in Manesar especially for the adjacent worker housing area in the following ways:
Careful planting of the hills can become the green lungs of IMT Manesar. It shall result in improved quality of life for workers with additional area for recreation along with regenerative tree planting strategies provided.
Rain water catchment and storage from the Hills can create permanent water bodies and storage systems to alleviate the water shortage in the area.
The rain water harvesting along with storm water storage system shall provide adequate buffer from flooding in the area during heavy rains, while gradually releasing water later.